Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) is a self massage technique using different sized balls to lengthen and tone the body.  The balls act like the hands of a therapist to provide length and tone to the muscles.  The density and size of the balls are designed to enable you to work the whole body getting into all the tight areas.

Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) can provide healing, wellness and injury prevention so that it not only improves fitness but also provides therapy for the body.  It allows you to take charge of your own body and to become more body aware.  The benefits beside toning and lengthening muscles include improved alignment, increased circulation, improved core strength, stimulation of nerve roots and organs, increased metabolism and better breathing through expansion of the lungs.

YBR works on the principle that we experience pain, restricted movement and general discomfort in our bodies when there is a lack of space.  The YBR routines work to release muscles from origin to insertion allowing the muscles to elongate and unwind, returning them to their optimal length.  It is a re-education process for the muscles.  It works by starting with stimulation of the bone, then works on the tendons and finally the muscle, starting with larger muscle groups and then working through the smaller ones.  The stimulation of the bone initiates a release of the tendons of all the muscles that have an attachment at that bone and this then releases the muscles.  The pressure of the body on the ball increases circulation to the tendon, which initiates the release.  Stimulation of bone can also help bone problems such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

The effects of YBR are far reaching, many people will notice profound differences.  These include better range of motion, freedom of movement, better alignment and posture, re-education of the body to eradicate old patterns of movement or posture, improved breathing from better lung capacity and an overall feeling of well being.

YBR and Pilates complement each other to give your body the opportunity to re-learn moving with good alignment and without pain.

Yamuna Face Ball

I also offer Yamuna Face Ball as either a private session or as a group workshop.  This uses smaller, softer balls than those we use for the body.  You might be surprised at just how much tension is held in the face.  We start by stimulating the bones of the face, realign the bones and then work the muscles.  This work can help to remove repetitive stress patterns within the face including TMJ problems and helps with sinus issues and tension headaches.  More detailed work can be done in problem areas such as around the eyes, mouth and jaw.  In addition, it can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by realignment of bones and muscle release.

For hygiene reasons, you will need to have your own set of balls.  You will then be able to work on your face whenever you want.  I have a supply of these balls for purchase.